Interview with KINGPIN (april 2000)
1.Band introduction.
Kingpin exists a couple of years now.
We play old ny-style that means we're influenced by the cro-mags, agnostic front,
crown of thornz..
I (pedro) play the guitar,Vinnie drums,Vez is our bassman,Sim plays the guitar and we've
got Joshfury on vocals.
2.What do you guys do outside of hardcore?
Josh is the oldest one, he has his own bakery, he's married and has a daughter called Luna
so you can imagine that he's got no time left.
Sim is a clockworker and his main passtimes are his car(seat) and tattoos.
He also goes through the day with a lot of pott. I think his main hobby is to actually
do nothing.
He's the lazy one. Vez is the youngest but the tallest (1.93m) he's 22 I guess.
He's a student in informatics. He likes to play pc games and if we're together we play
ko-kings for many ours. That brings us to his other hobby boxing. If he isn't to tired
from the day before you can find him in the local sportschool. ( he's always tired).
Oh yes, if you look into his eyes you can find out what his other passtime is.
Vinnie: just went 23. He's the former singer of Spirit Of Youth.
He puts gates and shit around houses. He likes to chat.
I don't think he has much time left for other things beside music and work.
His hobby is in fact joining his friends.
Pedro, that's me. I'm 24 and worked for 3 years but now I'm studying again. I live
together with my girlfriend. My passion is boxing, especially thaiboxing. I give
lessons 2 times a week in Ypres. But above all my dog Kingpin is my greatest hobby.
It's an 8 months old American Stafford.

We just recorded a demo for promo. You can't find him.
We actually don't sell it.
We're also gonna sell shirts soon.
4.What do you think about the fact that there are so few
people at gigs recently?
That's life! Now hc isn't a hype anymore. Only the real ones remain.That's what you get
when your public is between 14 and 18 years old. At that age you still have to look for a
direction, One day it's hardcore and the next it's hiphop.
What I hate are the chameleons, people who jump on each
bandwagon that passes.
5.Musical and non-musical influences?
As I told before our main influences are older Newyork bands. But also madball
and skarhead are on our list. Breakdown is also awesome just like stigmata.
We're not so much into this beatdown-deathmetal style. I have to admit that I don't
like bands like Irate and company. Than I prefer every body gets hurt.
I think we all have different influences besides music so no reason to bring them on.
6.Which book does everybody have to read?
I think the most important books are history books. Not the schoolbooks because they
are a good base for nationalism. We have to learn from the past. But maybe you can
start with 'the godfarher' by Mario Puzo.
7.Which cd does everybody has to buy?
????? the first Kingpin I suppose. The double live cd from the cro-mags and of course
the new britney spears.
8.How do you see hc in five years?
Maybe as big as two years ago because such shit comes and goes and follows the
patron of a wave.
Thanx for the support and see ya at one of our gigs...